
Monday, January 28, 2008

Two More Before Dinner

I wanted to get these scanned before I sent one off to my wonderful sister who rose to the challenge we set each other last week. I think I might be seeing some fun and funky quilts come out of these doodles. Eventually.

4" x 6" matted at 5" x 7"
$25.00 each

Now time to make some rice, salad, and grill some yummy teriyaki chicken. Super easy with Soy Vay's yummy sauce.

Time To Stop Procrastinating

I'm actually quite productive when I'm procrastinating. I get everything done except the thing I really should be working on. This week I need to work really hard on my second offering for Quilt University. This one, Screen Printing, isn't quite as easy to translate into an on-line class.

So instead of working on that necessary thing last week I doodled some more.

4" x 6" matted at 5" x 7"
$25.00 each

And read some blogs. And made my way through another couple anatomy lessons from "The Structure of Man."