
Friday, April 23, 2010

For Your Inspiration: Paducah

I had a little time to wander today.

Quilt Man!!!

Student Spotlight: Paducah

I truly am THE luckiest person in the world to be able to do what I do. I shlep and huff for a week, fly for a day, then play and play and play! And I get to play with the funnest people. These lovely ladies came in singing out loud and I joined right in.

foil, glitter, painted Wonder-Under

Imagine my surprise and joy - that's Quilter Beth in the cupcake apron.
She's been spotlighted here as she works her way through Art + Quilt!

Here we are getting up and around, doing photo transfer, painting and stamping, 
and yes, cutting out snowflakes. It's more fun than kindergarden!

What troopers! It was a night class and they stayed awake and made such beautiful things!

Couldn't quite get them all in the picture so here we have the other half.
They are laughing at me perched up high on a chair with the camera in the air.