
Sunday, January 16, 2011

2011 Resolutions

Last week I posted my reverse resolutions for 2010
I'm going to be brave and post my resolutions for 2011 as well

1-Begin each day with a Prayer of Gratitude
2-Practice Discipline

That's it.
A freight train can be moved in a different direction by pulling a simple switch. 
Over time, great canyons can be carved into solid rock with a trickle of water. 
Small actions can create big results. 
(I got to DRIVE this freight train in Kamiah Idaho!)
Do you have any short and/or long term goals?
Can they be distilled into a simple word or a phrase?
I'd love to hear about them.


  1. Patience. Mine is simply "Patience"--learning it, using it, extending it to others.

  2. 'spread the light' and live as my friend's brother described her at her memorial service with "boundless warmth, curiosity and humility"

  3. Simply be grateful for all that I have.

  4. Simplify - my mind, my house, my sewing room, my obligations. Essentially, I want to cut the clutter in all areas of my life.

  5. Reach out to others: send more cards, call more often, make a difference, if I can.

  6. I should add, not just to feel it, but to DO it. One of the best movie quotes I've heard is "Love isn't a feeling, it's an ability." I want to practice and hopefully one day master that ability.

  7. Joy. Find joy in the mundane, the hardship, everyday life. Did you know that there are places where you can go and drive the "big" engines for miles? My hubby did that for his 50th in Chattanoga and Ely, Nv.
