
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Joy in Service: Day 13 (and a shop update)

So - I've been waiting to try out something that one of you do - buy flowers at the grocery store then give them to a random person on your way out. At the counter I looked around to see who else was in line, there were a couple of good candidates - an elderly woman caught my eye.
photo by on Matthew Kang  flickr
But by the time I was done they were gone and the parking lot was empty. My son and I stood there for a minute. Then a woman came out and headed to her car. She had a very hurried and stressed out look on her face so I sort of followed her, walked up and said, "these are for you, Merry Christmas." And I walked off. I think maybe I freaked her out. I had fun anyway.

Next time I think I need to say something else - like, "you look like you could use some cheering up." Even better, I should keep some cards that say something in the way of explanation.... and "pay it forward." Any ideas?

Holly Berries, 5"x7" by Lyric Kinard
And - after spending two straight days filling out stacks and stacks of paperwork for a proposal to teach in Houston next year at the International Quilt Festival. Stacks. And stacks..... I've taken a minute to add two new watercolors to my Etsy shop.
Glory of Trees, 5"x7" by Lyric Kinard