Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sketch-A-Day 31

30 second sketches
Same site as yesterday
Fun to see that my super quick sketches actually look like the model and capture the stance.
Whoop!!! That's a visible improvement! Practice really does help.

I decided I didn't really like the nudes on this particular site. 
The first few females were wearing high heels  and in provocative rather than artistic poses.
 I'll just stick with the draped figures. They also have hands, heads, and animals. Great practice!

Sketch-a-Day 30

Found a website for artists wishing to practice figure drawing.

You can choose male or female, draped or nude
Choose how many seconds you want the pose to last

Sketch-a-Day 29

very quick - with my japanese brush pen - ran out of ink

Sketch-a-Day 28

sitting - and waiting