Sunday, February 12, 2012

I Love ... On-Line Students!

May I tell you how much I love my on-line students? The Artist's Toolbox (new session opens this friday) is an especially wonderful class for me to get to know these lovely people. 

Angela - value study
So many of them come in saying "I can't draw" or have real reservations about their abilities to create original art but by the end of class you see their confidence just blossom. 

Dahlia - depth study
 I truly DO believe that everyone is creative in some way.
If you give yourself time to learn and permission to be imperfect it is amazing what you can do.

Cindy - shape study
 Art CAN be taught. You can learn to draw through some simple steps and exercises if you are willing to put in the effort. You CAN learn to understand the basic elements and principles of design. 

Uliday - texture study
 If you want to be and artist, if you are willing to put in the time and the effort....

Lorelei - movement study
I'd love to share the journey with you. I feel an attachment with each one of these students.
Join me for
four lessons, $36.00 beginning
February 17, 2012

Yes ... I'm shamelessly begging.

(but it's for a good cause)

(update: you all are absolutely amazing. I do mean AMAZING! Both kidlets have surpassed their goals and are very excited to send out some fun drawings. They've got their work cut out for them. Thank you, thank you, thank you! From the bottom of our healthy hearts - the the hearts of those you've helped to survive - we thank you.)

Could you do me a GREAT BIG favor? 

My little ones are doing a fundraiser for the American Heart Association. They are raising money through a jump-a-thon at school for children who need heart surgery.

If you have a minute could you click on each link and help them out? Even one dollar will help. Their deadline is coming up TOMORROW and the only one who has donated is me and one of you amazingly kind readers. They've been drawing valentine pictures to send out to their sponsors but they don't have any (other than me) yet. If you donate then reply here with your address we'll mail you a delightful piece of their original art.