I'm totally excited for an on-line class I'm teaching that starts this week! Playing With Paint is a completely fun, stress-free, technique class where we do exactly that - PLAY! I'm looking forward to settling into my (newly organized and gorgeous) studio for the next four weeks and doing some easy, instant gratification, no pressure fabric painting!

printed with bubble wrap, carved stamps, and sponges
I've been under killer deadlines for the past year and am soooooo ready to just relax. I'm tired of being stressed out. I love to dye fabric, but painting is so much easier and takes so much less planning.

not painted - but it's how I feel!
There is still space available in the class and you can probably find most of the supplies around your house - especially if you've got a few jars of textile paint sitting around that you bought at a show somewhere and haven't gotten around to using yet.
QuiltUniversity.com is such a user-friendly way to take courses. You can see the course description and supply list here. Hope to see some of you there!