Welcome to the next to the last stop on the inStitches Blog Tour. I hope you've taken the time to stop by each blog and get to know the artists involved in this project a little better. If you are just joining the fun, feel free to go back to each blog, many of which are hosting giveaways - so leave comments on each blog to enter. Here too! I'll tell you in just a bit what I'm giving away.

This kind of thing happens to my plans all the time. Right now I'm working on a piece, pushing right up to the deadline as per usual. It didn't have so much of a plan as a vague idea, a general direction to head in for a few steps, then see I wait to see what ideas pop up next. Things were going well but I found the piece rather boring and flat. I'm a big fan of texture and things just felt rather uninteresting to me.
Paint is often my "go-to" solution so I decided to add some shadow/highlights to the large ammonite.
I didn't want brush strokes - more of a wet wash feel so I took a brush and thoroughly wetted the quilt in the areas I wanted the paint to smoosh around in. Yes, smoosh is a technical term.
All went well for a while. The hour was getting later and I wasn't paying close attention as I kept slopping on more and more wet paint. I didn't notice some leakage and wicking happening along some of the edges until it was too late. ACK!!! I did what I could. Sopped up water, used a blow drier to stop more wicking on the inside of the big ammonite while using more water to try to sponge up the leaks. It didn't work well.
No point in getting more stressed - so I put it to bed. Sleep usually helps. It looked a bit better in the morning and I think I've found the solution I'll follow through. I considered smooshing a lot more of the paint all over the quilt to make it look like the rest of the fabric is that way too. Instead I'm going to unpick a bunch of quilting and I think extending the purple edges will work. More careful painting will happen tomorrow - in daylight and with a fresh eye. Life is too short to stress too much about mistakes. If the piece is juried into the show - so be it. If not, I just enter it into the next show on my list. Check back in a couple of days and I'll show you a picture of the completed project.

And here is the list of all the posts on the tour - go back and try to win other goodies!
Sunday (Feb 27): Pokey launches the tour!: http://www.quiltingdaily.com
Sunday (Feb 27): Pokey launches the tour!: http://www.quiltingdaily.com
Monday (Feb 28): Jane Davila: http://janedavila.blogspot.com
Tuesday: Lynn Krawczyk( March 1): http://www.fibraartysta.blogspot.com
Wednesday: Jackie Cardy(March 2): http://dogdaisychains.blogspot.com
Thursday: Deb Bates (March 3): http://stitchtress.wordpress.com
Friday: Deborah Boschert (March 4): http://deborahsjournal.blogspot.com
Saturday: Michelle Allen (March 5): http://allendesigns.typepad.com
Sunday: Liz Kettle (March 6): http://textileevolution.com/?option=com_wordpress&Itemid=203
Monday: Lyric Kinard (March 7): http://lyrickinard.blogspot.com
Tuesday (March 8): A surprise guest on Lindsey’s blog will be the final stop of this tour http://www.quiltingdaily.com