What do a boatload of beads and an entire studio packed with lighting equipment, cameras, microphones and wires have to do with each other?
On your average day, not much. Last week - everything! I've been working very hard for several months and am so excited to tell you about my latest project. A new instructional DVD titled "Bead It Like You Mean It!" It'll still be a few months before it's out but we had SO much fun filming that I can't keep it under wraps.

The lovely and VERY talented Bonnie McCaffery was an absolute pleasure to work with - who wouldn't smile when they saw that wide grin behind the camera? She is very good at helping me to focus and get down to business - and tolerant of my tendency towards silliness as well.
Lots of silly on this DVD. Lots of really, really, pretty things and useful information too!
We got done a whole day early so we had time to play with some really fun special effects and take a walk around the lake and play with our cameras.