I'm very happy to introduce you to a new e-magazine by the talented crew over at
Interweave Press
Surface Explorations is an all digital publication and can be downloaded to your desktop or to your iPad or other tablet. Even though I can do everything on my desktop that this publication is meant to do - I'm thinking an iPad might be in my near future. It's that COOL!!!
I don't think printed media is going away any time soon - there is nothing like holding a good book in your hand and turning a page and electronics and the beach don't mix. BUT - you can't click a link to go straight to a source or watch a video of the author actually showing you how to do what you just read about in a paper magazine. With this publication you can do that and more.
I'm very honored to be included in the inaugural issue of SurfaceXplorations with an article and video on Thermofax Screen Printing. I'll show you a little bit about discharge (and remind you why testing is important!) and just plain have some fun with paint.

Mon 4/16 Lindsey Murray http://quiltingdaily.com
Tues /17 Jamie Fingal http://jamiefingaldesigns.blogspot.com
Wed 4/18 Jackie Lams http://studiolams.com
Thu 4/19 Lyric Kinard http://lyrickinard.blogspot.com
Fri 4/20 April Sproule http://sproulestudios.blogspot.com
Mon 4/23 Leslie Jenison http://leslietuckerjenison.blogspot.com
Tues 4/24 Jane Davila http://janedavila.blogspot.com
If you are interested in learning even more about screen printing, I have an on-line class called Freeform Screen Printing opening up on May 4th over at QuiltUniversity.com! We'll go even deeper into thermofax screens and learn a lot about regular screen printing too.
Scroll down a bit for another post about it or check out the class description here.