It's going to be a so much fun to watch Virginia Spiegel work her magic as she raises mucho moolah for the American Cancer Society. She has already raised over $190,000.00 over the past few years. She is a skilled and creative organizer - gathering artists and people from all walks of life together through Fiberarts for a Cause.
February 2nd is the day it begins!

But then - that's what quilters do. Think quilt bee - women sharing their labor to comfort and warm each other and those in need. Artists who work with fabric and thread are cut from the same cloth, generous and giving by nature.
Connie Akers is joining me for the "Art + Quilt" tote - contributing some absolutely delectable hand dyed and printed yardage. It's probably a good thing that each artist will ship their work to the winning bidder separately. I don't get to actually touch this yummy fabric with my own little hands. I'm afraid I'd be sorely tempted to send a few bits of this stuff .... ah ... missing. At the very minimum - it would come with drool spots all over it. Happy bidding!