Remember back in in December when we were focusing on making the world a better place through simple acts of service and kindness?
Well I'd like to introduce a new, on-going feature on my blog.
When I was interviewed by Rice' Freeman-Zachary about the project for her podcast, she asked if it was going to become an ongoing project. I hadn't thought too much about it. I really do try to keep service in mind all the time so I didn't think of it as a "project" but of course I'd love to keep it going.Small kindnesses mean a great deal - the last group I taught for left me this lovely flower to brighten my hotel room. |
Would you care to join us? If you'd like to add this lovely little button to your blog please go ahead and copy and paste this into a widget for your sidebar. It's got the html embedded to link back to this explanatory post.

If you send me a link to your kindness blog post I'd love to list it in my next Kindness Chronicles post. It's so easy to bring a smile to someone's face. Let's make the world a better place, shall we?