Once again Virginia Spiegel is working her magic.
She makes the world a better place. I'm so honored to be part of her project to raise funds for the American Cancer Sociery.
How Does Foto/Fiber 2012 Work? 90 Photos AND 90 BONUS Fiber Surprises Beauty and Mystery Unite to Fight Cancer 1. Ninety beautiful and inspiring photos by Virginia A. Spiegel ![]() Hope is the winged bird(with apologies to Emily Dickinson) 2. Ninety BONUS Fiber Surprises from an amazing team of fiber artistsAll BONUS Fiber Surprises will be mailed directly to you by their creators in a Size 0 (6x9") bubble envelope mailer. This is the size in which a CD fits nicely. Each artist will be donating from one to three BONUS Fiber Surprises. I asked the donors to make the BONUSES wonderfully wonderful, creative, and unique. You might receive a small work of art, handpainted or dyed fabric, screen printed Lutradur, vintage kimono scraps, a small original screen for printing, dyed embroidery thread, a small bundle of "magical" raw materials, etc., etc. Check out the list of generous artists (links are to their websites/blogs); you know your BONUS will be just that: All patrons of Foto/Fiber 2012 will also have the opportunity throughout Foto/Fiber to win fiber art generously donated by: Leonie Hartley HooverLyric Kinard Lynn Krawczyk and ![]() Yvonne Porcella: Teal Flower for OV, 6x9" mini-quilt . The drawing for this artwork will be from the 90 patrons of Foto/Fiber 2012 whose lives or the lives of ones they love have been affected by cancer. (I'm thinking it will be all 90, no?) and ![]() Mary Ann Van Soest: Yellow Barns II, 18x24" quilt The drawing for this artwork will be from all 90 patrons of Foto/Fiber 2012 once we meet our goal of $7000 raised for the ACS. Gold Donor Day: Wednesday, February 15 10 a.m. Central - 3:00 p.m. Central Make a minimum donation of $100, choose a photo and choose a BONUS Fiber Surprise by a specific artist from the list above. Thursday, February 16 10 a.m. Central - 3:00 Central (or until SOLD OUT)Make a minumum donation of $50 and choose a photo; your BONUS Fiber Surprise will be chosen for you at random. More specifics on how to donate directly to the American Cancer Society through Fiberart For A Cause will be available no later than Monday, February 12. Help us spread the word about Foto/Fiber 2012 Questions? E-mail me at Virginia(at)VirginiaSpiegel.comFiberart For A Cause |