I've been pressing up against deadlines for the past two weeks and needed a short break. Maybe some day I'll learn not to procrastinate. It hasn't happened yet.

So instead of taking my laptop to hockey practice I took my sketchbook and some fun paint markers from my stash. I had to sit off the the side as the propellant in these things smells.Probably not the best for my health. But if you've ever spent time with hockey players - let's just say the smell was nothing in comparison.
I had prepared these pages with acrylic washes last year and just picked a nice spring color and went to town. First with a sharpie, then with the markers.

I suppose I'm still enjoying last month's theme of doodling and combining it with this month's theme of flowers. One can never get too much of doodling. It's a lovely time to let the mind relax and wander - clear out the clutter.