Gene Black is making and collecting lap quilts for a youth center. Do you have one you can ship off?
Today I'm officially joining Melanie Testa in her Rockstar Boro project.
Look here to learn more about this beautiful japanese upcycling art form.
I've had this stack of old linen shirts - cut up and laying over the back of my studio chair for months. I'll start there and work out a skirt. I know it's not exactly following the Boro esthetic of appliquéing onto existing garments.... but I'll get there.
First this had to come off Brunhilda, my duct-tpe-double. I've enjoyed remembering my fabulous sisters every time I glanced over to it's colorful corner. (really, you've got to go check us out...you'll smile!)
This is the progress so far in the first quick hour.
After I get back from lunch and center time at kidlet5's school I'll sew a few more bits together. I think I'll take something (who knows what) as a little surprise giftie for the front office secretary.
Tell me what you did today!