Thursday, September 2, 2010

Getting Ready to DYE

Kids on the bus. √
Get preschooler into car. √
Go back inside to find preschooler's shoes. √
Medical form dropped off to doctors office. √
Put preschooler's shoes back on. √
Find classroom and meet new preschool teacher. √
Gather up purple glitter play dough preschooler has scattered all over floor. √
Put shoes back on preschooler. √
Bring home a couple extra kids to keep preschooler busy for the next two hours. √
Open the 100 yd bolt of sand-washed Tencel twill. √
Drool a bit. √
Listen to preschoolers tattle on each other. √
Ignore preschoolers tattling on each other. √
Rip about ten yards of yummy fabric. √

Lunch - getting there.
Naps - can't come too soon!
Almost time to DYE!


Martha C. Hall said...

That's what I'm getting ready to do this weekend - sans preschoolers!
Good luck with all those little ones.

Unknown said...

Oh Lyric! 10 meters? I wish I had the space. I'll wait for summer - then I can play out side!


Jane LaFazio said...

ha! great check list and a little peek into you life....oh my!

Elizabeth in NM said...

Lyric, I am just amazed at what you get done with all of your little ones! I have a 2nd grader, preschooler, and 5 month old baby, and often feel so overwhelmed with them its hard to get any art done. But then I remember all you do! You are an inspiration--thank you!