Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

One Nation by Lyric Montgomery Kinard
In honor of those who have given all for our country

And in honor of those who have served in many other ways...

Ida Marie White was on her own and worked
in a munitions factory as a teenager.
Joe Field worked for the army, breaking in mules

My Grandparents, Ida Marie and "Skinny" Joe Field. 


Their daughter Lynn married David Montgomery
who served in Berlin Germany in the army's military intelligence service

Spencer Thomas Kinard (on right)
who served in the Navy for  his whole career.

Merrill Celeste Anderson
In honor of my husbands' grandmother who stayed home raising her children while her husband spent almost 18 years at sea. 

His Grandfather that served in three wars.
My husbands' father who served in the Navy - and his wife, a Cuban immigrant.
Margarita Rodriguez and Charles Spencer Kinard

I think it's amazing and wonderful that we are a country that welcomes all.
(OK - so I know that's how it is supposed to work - for today I will put on my Pollyanna glasses and pretend we do, and have done so. By and large this is a nation full of wonderful people.)
It is a very special place that we live.


Amy said...

Very nice!

Lizzie Bo said...

We may not work perfectly, but we work. One nation and lots to be proud of (even if we need to keep on working).

Lyric said...

Lizzie - I couldn't agree more! Well said.

Robin said...

Awesome and truthful post! Thank you for sharing your American History also. Every American has a story and we all can be proud of our stories, of being American thanks to our soldiers past and present and the families that kept America going while their family members were off serving! What a wonderful family story you have and thank you to your family for their service to us and our country!