Thursday, February 2, 2012

For Your Inspiration: Beach and Sand

I can be in the most beautiful place - with gorgeous clouds and all the ocean to view...
Hilton Head Island, SC by Lyric Kinard
 And still, I become completely absorbed in what is right at my feet


Jane LaFazio said...

Lyric, I just listened to your podcast with Rice: and as always, am inspired by the joy with which you live your life.
I wanted to tell you what I did, inspired a bit by your december blog posts. Latin American day laborers gather at a nearby gas station, nearly every day waiting/hoping to get work. In my mind, it's such a contrast to the 'homeless' who stand on nearby corners, begging for money, usually in pairs (so I'm suspicious they're not really homeless.) So, I admire the day laborers for wanting honest work. So, at the gas station, I got out of my car, and walked over to the single worker, asked if he spoke English. yes. I handed him $10 and told him I admired him for looking for work. It was a 'good thing.'

Lisa Chin said...

I can see why - it's all so beautiful everywhere you look!